In order to convert this grocery store description into ERD and SQL, I felt that there were only a few entities with a couple relationships and many attributes. Owner, Item, and Customer as entities, lists and orders as relationships, and many attributes. While creating the ERD I was extremely hesitant with item and order and their long lists of attributes. I felt like I should have made some of those attributes into a separate entity or relationship, but I could not figure out how.

Store ERD

Am I satisfied with these data representations? Somewhat. I can’t help but feel that it can be immediately improved by simply doing something, but I don’t know what. Some complications that would probably occur is that an order may not take more than one item(unless I’m reading the ERD and SQL wrong). There will surely be complications or things that are not on this SQL that are in the description such as finalized orders becoming unchangeable to customers and such.

Store SQL

In the end, this was a nice learning experience for SQL and ERD. Still, I probably won’t be of too much help doing this when it comes to our final project however.