CSCI 340 - Lab 8 Reflection Post
This was an extensive look into using Razor Pages and with multiple tables and my goodness was it extensive. Unlike the last lab, scaffolding had to be done several times, one for every table of data. These tables and data then had to communicate with each other with Primary and Foreign Keys.
The numerous data models and scaffolded tables was a little daunting even though each table basically has the same structure. It will definitely take a little more time to fully comprehend how the relationships work between the tables, but it shouldn’t be any more difficult than what I have already seen. Probably the biggest part of this lab was to understand the idea of concurrency. Thanks to this tutorial, I believe I understand concurrency.
I also understand the concern of our thoughts going straight to copy-pasting. There is a lot of code, and while there is sometimes repetitive code that does similar things (ie. Details, Create, Delete, and Edit), there are still differences that are explained and nuances that ensure that the code is understood.
To do this in preparation of creating our website for our Final Project is absolutely necessary, but I am concerned with the countless files we would be working through to get this all to work. I know on that this project is probably conceptually one of the easier ones, nonetheless, I hope that my team and I can make this work.