Looking at the last post, you may be wondering, where was I? I was still at Hendrix getting my education. That meant that I was more focused on the current courses in my class than updating a blog that would have never been seen by any of my peers or professors. The classes I have taken, which are related to my current Computer Science major are listed here:

  • CSCI 150 - Foundations of Computer Science (w/Lab)
  • CSCI 151 - Data Structures (w/Lab)
  • MATH 240 - Discrete Mathematics
  • CSCI 235 - Intelligent Robotics
  • CSCI 285 - Scientific Computing
  • CSCI 320 - Operating Systems & Concurrency
  • CSCI 335 - Artificial Intelligence
  • CSCI 340 - Database and Web Systems
  • CSCI 352 - Mobile Software Development
  • CSCI 382 - Algorithms (Currently Undertaking)
  • CSCI 410 - Senior Seminar (Currently Undertaking)

As you can see, I have been pretty busy. However, now that I am working on projects for Disco Tray Studios and my Senior Capstone Project, I will be updating this blog frequently. Please look forward to it!