Disco Tray Studios - August 30th Update
Now that the previous week’s introduction into Disco Tray Studios is over and all new members have finally been added to the live version of the Disco Tray Studios Website, we are now starting up work on the projects!
I have volunteered to be on the team that will put the finishing touches on the Hendrix Today App! Us developers already have a working prototype with the firebase backend installed onto our phones, and it seemingly works really well. However there are still minor issues that Olivia Larson, Johnathan Qualls, and I will put to rest before the app can truly go live to the Hendrix College community! Soon, our email addresses will not be bloated by countless emails!
The issue that I am currently set upon is one regarding the character limit of event titles. There was an egregious event title from the previous semester seen on the app that lasted around 300+ characters! If no hard limit is made, there could be more. Thankfully, this week is rounded off by Labor Day Weekend, giving us a three-day weekend to make sure these changes are made. This is my first true assignment as a member of Disco Tray Studios, and I dare not mess this up!
(Considering I already kind of did when updating the app’s dependencies. I cloned the master repository rather than my fork and sent my fellow members on a wild goose chase trying to resolve it! Sorry Johnathan!)