This and the previous week have been weeks to catch up to my colleagues in terms of progress on the app. As of today, I have caught up. The Hendrix Today App is progress well and a second version for the public beta test will be available by Friday. The Home and Search Pages have been combined into a single Home Page. This was due to some testers finding the pages redundant, and we agreed. Event Cards now show an event’s deadline should it contain one. We originally thought to have some sort of visual cue besides plain text, but plain text works the best. Anything more abstract and the users would be confused. Such confusion was found with the unread icon. We have decided to change it again. There was discussion about changing more of the event cards to further accentuate an unread event; however, after looking at how other apps showed unread emails/messages/events and such, I decided a plain colored circle icon was the solution. With these changes made into pull requests, now I wait for my colleagues or my professor to approve and merge these changes. The Samurai Remnant have been finished, the Phantom Liberty was fixed in my favor, and I also 100%-ed Spider-Man 2 on the PS5; so no more distractions. I will get through this semester standing tall.